3.1.2 Morse Code Generator
In this course, we will make a manual alarm device. You can replace the toggle switch with a thermistor or a photosensitive sensor to make a temperature alarm or a light alarm.
T-Board Name |
physical |
wiringPi |
GPIO17 |
Pin 11 |
0 |
17 |
GPIO22 |
Pin 15 |
3 |
22 |
For C Language User
Go to the code folder compile and run.
cd ~/Basic-Starter-Kit-for-Raspberry-Pi/c/3.1.2/
gcc 3.1.2_MorseCodeGenerator.c -lwiringPi
sudo ./a.out
NOTE: If you want to check the complete codes, you are suggested to use command `nano 3.1.2_MorseCodeGenerator.c` or `nano 3.1.2_MorseCodeGenerator.py`.
For Python Language User
cd ~/Basic-Starter-Kit-for-Raspberry-Pi/Python/
python 3.1.2_MorseCodeGenerator.py
After the program runs, type a series of characters, and the buzzer and the LED will send the corresponding Morse code signals.